
The Name

Tori ( ) means Bird in Japanese. A bird is a symbol for freedom which this project is all about.


The Announcement

Ali, the founder of ToriOS has announced in 14th of January, 2014, “the beginning of a new era for Old Hardware” and quite possibly a full featured replacement for Windows XP.
ToriOS – a GNU/Linux Distribution – is the best option for NON-PAE machines.

General Features

Minimal, Simple, Fast, Small.
ToriOS aims to give users the freedom of choice to build a system the way they want it, and in just the way they like.

Technical Features

1. ToriOS will always be based on the Long Term Support releases of Debian and Ubuntu, and be a Long Term Support Operating System
2. There will be very minimal programs by default. The user has 100% freedom to choose, download and install any program needed, wanted or desired. ToriOS will work out-of-the-box with this very lightweight system. The user can then decide the rest. ToriOS is planned to ship with a minimal, fully functional graphical user interface.
3. Working old computers with NON-PAE CPUs, and other low resource computers, will not need to be wasted in landfills. ToriOS will be the system to breathe new life into systems that seem to be useless.
ToriOS will use Non-PAE Kernel.
4. RAM Usage will be as minimal as possible – the target is to create a system that uses less RAM than Lubuntu (and other distributions).
5. ToriOS will have a lightweight option for the default installer. Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s default installer), as everyone may know, needs more than 256MB RAM at the best and in some cases, it requires even more.

Why ToriOS?

1. The latest versions of Ubuntu and its official variants, specifically Lubuntu, do not support NON-PAE hardware by default.
2. While everyone can download, install and build a system with the Mini ISO, some users have difficulties doing it. The installation of ToriOS will be much simpler than installing the Mini ISO.
3. ToriOS will work out-of-the box. ToriOS will also provide a working system with a Graphical User Interface after installation, as well as one to test out on machines using a Live CD, this is contrary to the Mini ISO where there is NO GUI, only a command line interface.
4. ToriOS is so special because of the community (team). It is based on open, transparent team work. The community is very friendly, and work as a family. No decision, no matter what, is made unless everyone votes and the majority agree. It took 3 days to decide a name for this project because everyone had to vote for it. This gives the community full creative input.